Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Dear Greyson,

Today I got the best thing ever from you. Today, for the first time when I walked into Cindy's to pick you up, you ran to me while yelling, "Maamaaa!" I was so excited! Best. Feeling. Ever. Sure, you always smile and run to me, but nothing beats hearing you say my name, too!

On that note, you have been all about Mama lately. I won't complain, though. I am totally eating it all up. Dada on the other hand, I think might be getting a little jealous. He got so used to you being all about him, and wanting nothing to do with me. He doesn't mind too much though, because he knows how much I am loving it. You reach for me, you wrap your little body around my legs, you say Mama all the time, you snuggle with me, I get lots of kisses, and when I'm holding you and Dada comes up and holds out his hands, often you say, "NO!" and turn towards me. I can't help it, I enjoy every second. It's been a long time coming!

Yesterday I got the dreaded phone call from the baby sitter. You had a fever and were throwing up. My poor baby! I rushed home and picked you up. We snuggled on the couch and took a nap. You didn't throw up again, but you did have a fever all evening. I was so worried about you. You woke up perfectly fine this morning and had a great day. Must have been a 12 hour bug.

You are now interested in the television. You have become obsessed with the show, Yo Gabba Gabba. When you hear the TV turn on you start shaking your fists and say, "gooooo" You also bring us the remote and shake your fists, or if the tv is on at all, you start shaking your fists and say, 'gooooo'! It's really funny. I am now slightly regretting wanting you to show interest in the TV, though because you want to watch it all the time. On the plus side, when it's on, you like to sit in my lap and lean back into me. We sing and dance together, which you finds hysterical. Dada and I get the silly songs stuck in our heads, so even when it isn't on, we're still singing the songs. It's really cute because I often hear Dada singing the songs either to you or along with the TV when no one else is around.

Gramma and Papa are in NY right now. Baby Isaac, your new cousin will be arriving hopefully tomorrow, so Gramma and Papa are with Aunt Little and Uncle Aaron to help them and play with Baby Isaac. You miss Gramma and Papa, and it's hard to remember you need to share them with your cousins!

A few weeks ago, you were looking through your photo book. You were pointing to everyone and jabbering (when we look at it together I point to everyone and say who it is), but each time you'd get to the picture of Grandma and Grandpa Williams, you'd point to Grandpa Brent you smile and say, DooDa. It was adorable. You did it probably 10 times. I had to call Grandma right away to tell her about it.

I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

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