Friday, November 26, 2010

Jibber Jabber Jibberish

Dear Greyson,

HSJdjwnodhfakjdnajkdafhejcnc;asjdfhnfnfakjsdn...This is what you sound like, all.the.time. And when you do it, you do it in the sweetest little voice. It's so cute! Dada swears you are trying to tell us something because a lot of times you will repeat yourself over and over, same random consonant- vowel combinations. This evening, Grandma was laying on the floor and you crouched down in front of her and got inches from her face and started "talking". She laughed so hard because you were so serious. When Jason and Libby took Brenden upstairs to feed him dinner, you went up to the opening from the basement and started yelling up at them. I can only assume you wanted your buddy to come back down to play.

Holy lots of teeth! On the top you have your left and right central incisors (front teeth), left and right lateral incisors (teeth next to the front teeth), and the left and right first molars. On the bottom you have the left and right incisors, the right lateral incisor is in the process of coming up and the left lateral incisor has broken through. You also have both left and right bottom first molars coming up. Poor guy! I don't know when all this happened, but it sure explains your mood swings lately. Here I was under the impression that teeth came up one at a time. You sure proved me wrong.

Hi! Hi! Hi! This is probably my favorite thing you do now. You say "Hi!" in your sweet little voice, lots of times waving when you do it, and with a big grin. We say it back and it becomes a game, saying it to each other over and over. We know when you are ready to get up from a nap or in the morning because instead of crying (which means you need to sleep longer) you give us a big grin and a "Hi!"

Go? This is also a recent thing you do. When someone leaves the room or you can't find something, you hold your hands out with your palms up and say, "go?" We are trying to get you to fill in the blanks by saying for you, "where did Dada go?" or "where did sippy go?" to help give you the words you need. You are learning so much so fast! It's so fun and exciting when you learn new things. We decided that you are ready to learn more signs, so we are going to teach you eat, which you are already starting to pick up. I think the next sign will be please.

Ohhh the bink. I cannot get rid of that darn bink. You want the darn thing all the time. You have even started getting into the diaper bag, where we have a paci pod, open it up to get one. When it's diaper time, as soon as we walk into your room you say, "beeeeenk!" I have no idea how we are going to stop using one.

Oh, something really exciting happened today! 2 out of the 3 times you pooped, as soon as it happened you pointed to your diaper and said, "uh-oh". Yes, recognizing poop is very exciting! Dada and I are toying around with possibly getting you a potty chair for Christmas. Not that we have ANY expectations of you using it yet, but we can have it around and you can practice sitting on it.

Cute story, you have been so goofy lately! Thanks to Dada, you think (and so does Dada) it's hysterical when you smack the sides of your head saying "ow ow ow". Awesome, I know. You also make us laugh when you walk around, waving your hands in the air, shaking your head from side to side, jabbering and yelling "baaabwaaaabwaaabwaaaa"! It's pretty cute!

I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Dear Greyson,

"Where's your belly!?" This is a new game we play and it is hysterical! We will say to you, "Where is your belly?" and you will get a huge grin on your face and lift up your shirt. Often times you want us to tickle, kiss or blow raspberries your tummy. I think the picture pretty much sums up how much you love this game!

I have officially accepted your sweet little head. It looks so much better than when we started. Some days I look at it and think it looks perfect and that there is nothing different about it. Other times, I still notice the slight irregular shape. Everyone tells me they don't notice anything, that I'm over-analyzing. So, I have decided to do my best to stop focusing on your head shape. I have decided to accept you just the way you are, which is absolutely perfect!

"NO" is still your favorite word. We can ask you pretty much anything and we always get the same response, which is no. Sometimes you mix it up and say, 'uh-uh". Regardless, it's pretty much 'no' to everything, be it a bath, snack, kiss, or drink.

We bought you an actual toothbrush. We couldn't use the one that fits over my finger any longer because you kept biting me. You love having your teeth brushed. Well, it's more you love holding and sucking on the toothbrush. You always follow me into the bathroom and demand a toothbrush. I gave you an extra toothbrush for you to play with in the bath tub, which you thought was terrific. You played with that more than you did your actual bath toys. You don't like it much when I take the toothbrush to actually brush your teeth, though. You got pretty upset with me this morning, but I will say, it was much easier to brush your teeth when you were yelling at me! I could actually see your teeth and what I was doing. I try and brush your teeth pretty quickly because I want you to enjoy this good habit. I definitely don't want to discourage your enjoyment in brushing, which is why I usually give you a toothbrush when we are in the bathroom. I let you watch me brush my teeth, too, while you are playing with your toothbrush. I'm hoping you'll mimic me the more you watch me.

You become pretty frustrated when you can't do something and when we can't understand what you want/need. I feel so bad, because I can tell you know what you want, but you don't have the words to say it. We try our best to help you out and give you the words, but sometimes we just can't help you. When this happens you get so mad. You throw things, hit, and cry. It's so sad. Luckily for us, you don't dwell on things, so most times we can put you in a good mood fairly quickly.

I love you buddy, forever and longer!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Holy Moly!

Dear Greyson,

Holy moly am I really bad at keeping this up to date. I think about topics and things I want to add all the time, but then I don't! Sorry bud!

Anyways, let's have a whole host of new words! You can now say, go, hi, bye, ball, no, yeah, banana, more, done, milk, gone, bink, nigh nigh, woof, meow, peep peep (chick), snort (pig), mmmmm (cow), mama, dada, papa, and a few more that I just can't think of right now. It's so exciting and fun when you learn a new word. Gramma and I taught you peep peep just the other day, and when you say it, it's in this really high pitched voice. Sooo cute! Not only are you talking more, but you understand some sign language and use it yourself. Granted, you didn't really start using it until you were saying the words, but still! You know the signs for more, done, and milk. We use milk and any drink interchangeably. I don't know if that if correct, but it works for us.

You also got two molars in. Those were fun! You were a drool-y, crabby, feverish, mess. My last post was about having to pick you up from Cindy's because you were sick. I thought you had the flu, but the next day you were perfectly fine and that was when we noticed the new molars. I think you might be teething again, because you have been really drool-y again this week. Luckily there haven't been any fevers for you this time around.

We went down to Cincinnati for one weekend. We baby-sat cousin Brenden while Aunt Libby and Uncle Jason went to a wedding. That was lots of fun! You and B took a bath together. It was the first of many, I'm sure. We also got to spend some time with Uncle Dave and Andy. You just love them! They couldn't get enough of your cute little, "bye" and kisses. We'll get to see them again next week! The trip down and back from Cinci was probably the best road trip we've ever had. You watched Yo Gabba Gabba the entire time. I don't think we heard a peep out of you! Mama and Dada got pretty sick of listening to it, but you were so happy so we just dealt with it.

Gramma and Papa were gone most of October visiting Aunt Lindsey and baby Isaac. You missed them very much while they were gone. When they got home you were so excited and did a little happy dance and squealed when you saw them. You are very much a Papa's boy (sorry Gramma). Yesterday Papa was raking leaves out back when we got home from Cindy'sand you saw him and made a bee-line for him. I picked you up and carried you to the front steps and once I set you down you turned around and booked it towards him. I gave in and followed you to him. You kept picking up leaves and throwing them in the air. It was cute, but of course I couldn't get a cute picture because every time I would try you would stop.

Grandma and Gampa came to visit 2 weeks ago. They picked you up from Cindy's, at first you were a little unsure but you warmed up pretty quick. Once you did, you were Gampa's little sidekick. He would take you for walks, pick you up whenever you wanted and overall spoiled you rotten. Grandma tried to spoil you too, but unfortunately you pretty much only wanted one person.

You went through a phase of being terrified of the bath tub. It came about because you were in the tub with KB one night and he pooped in the tub. Of course it happened right after I had already lathered you all up, so Dada took you into Gramma and Papa's bathroom and put you in their shower. Bad idea. It was apparently a very traumatic experience with you because we went about 2-3 weeks of being terrified of the bath tub. That was a long 2 weeks because we still had to bathe you. Bath time went from being the most fun part of our nights to the most dreaded. We finally got you over it by Dada literally getting into the tub with you a few different times. It was so cute and I of course had to take pictures (don't worry, Dada was clothed, he just knelt down while wearing shorts). You still glance at the shower head sometimes with a weary look on your face, but overall you are back to enjoying the tub.

Halloween came and went. You looked so cute in your little lion costume. Grandpa Jon came trick or treating with us, which was really special. Dada and Grandpa took turns taking you up to the houses with your bucket. Lots of people commented on how cute you were and many many times you would wave bye and blow kisses as you were walking away from the houses. We also went to a Halloween parade in Rossford with Aunt Jenn and KB. That was just OK. It was right in the middle of your nap, in hindsight, we'd have skipped the parade and let you finish your nap, but what can you do? Needless to say, you did not enjoy the parade as much as I had hoped, but at least you got to wear your costume more than once!

Roar! That's also a new word/animal sound you do. We thought that since you were going to be a lion for Halloween you needed to be able to roar. You caught on really quick and love doing it. You laugh so hard at the exaggerated scared expressions we give you after you roar. Often you and I go back and forth, just roaring and giggling at each other.

One more quick story! Last night, you, Dada and I were playing on the bed before bedtime. You kept jumping on Milo and hugging and kissing him, which was adorable. At one point you reached out to kiss Milo on the nose and Milo sneezed right in your face as you were leaning in. You laughed so hard! It was disgusting and hilarious at the same time!

I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama