Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lesson Learned

Dear Greyson,

My last letter to you at the beginning of the month was about the poop wars. I can officially say Mommy and daddy have won the battle. You are doing so awesome with potty training. It has been the most frustrating and rewarding thing we've ever done with you. Seeing your face light up when you go potty is so exciting. And calling everyone, usually Aunt Jenn, to let them know you pee pee'd or pooped in the potty, shows how proud of yourself you are. As of recently, you've discovered the Potty Dance. It is hysterical. I've been trying to get a video of you doing it, but of course you stop as soon as the camera comes out.

For the quite awhile we were keeping your potty chair behind the recliner in the living room because I figured out that you didn't want anyone to see you while you were pooping and you needed time to relax, so the ipad or a phone usually kept you busy while you went. We've slowly moved the potty chair out from behind the recliner and into your bedroom. We haven't made it into the bathroom yet, but we'll get there!

Tonight you ran through the house yelling, "I'm going pee pee!" and ran back to your room. Yay Greyson! You even kicked Daddy out of the bedroom while you went. "No Daddy go away!" When you were done I went in to get the pee catcher and do the potty dance with you. I left the bedroom with the pee catcher to clean it out and when I came back into the room you were grinning from ear to ear and pointing to the potty chair. Inside the potty chair, sans pee catcher was a big 'ol Greyson sized turd. You were very proud of yourself. :) I was too, but I would have been much happier had the pee catcher been inside the potty chair.

Let's just say, I learned my lesson.

I love you buddy, forever and longer.
Love, Mama

Tonight you

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Poop Wars

Dear Greyson,

The last week and a half you and daddy went out to Rockford to visit Grandma and Red Papa. Mommy didn't get to go because she had to work. It was a long, sad, lonely week. Luckily we were able to Skype at least twice a day. That definitely helped but it wasn't the same.

Daddy decided that since you were going to be together nonstop for a week and a half he would buckle down and do some serious potty training. Day one went really well. Day two, not so well. Daddy was very frustrated but mommynsaid to keep it up. He powered through and you returned to BG 75% potty trained! Daddy followed the 3day potty training method. We don't tell you to go or ask you to go, we remind you to tell us when you need to go. Over and over and over. Amazingly, it works!

Right now though, we are in the middle of the poop wars. You are definitely winning. You refuse to poop in the potty. Apparently that one time in November was a fluke. We will continue to forge through this relentless battle.

This afternoon we began shopping for a new bed for you. You told us you needed to go potty so we ran to the bathroom. While in the bathroom you told us you pooped, you didn't but for some reason you were convinced you did. I was digging in the bag and you asked what I was doing. I told you I needed something in the diaper bag. You looked at me and said, "there no diapers! That's a big boy bag!"

I love you Buddy! Forever and longer!
Love Mommy