Sunday, June 27, 2010


Dear Greyson,

Your vocabulary is developing! You now know how to say ball (bah) and uh-oh (uh-uh). You started this one just yesterday! You drop something or fall over and you say, uh-uh. It is hysterical! The only thing that isn't so funny about uh-uh is when you deliberately throw stuff on the floor, like your sippy from your high chair and look at us and say "uh-uh". Mama doesn't mind so much, but it drives Dada crazy. Gramma and I also think you are starting to associate milk with 'ba-ba". You see a glass of milk or your bottle and you say "baba". You amaze me everyday! You are so smart buddy!

We went out for breakfast this morning in Wayne. We, you, me and Dada, met up with Gramma and Papa, Great-Grandma Bruns, Great Aunt Judy, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Emmy, and Cousin Cole. You were such a hungry buddy! You are 2 1/2 pancakes (they were small) and Gramma shared some of her ham with you. You could not get enough of Cousin Cole. You kept watching him roll his Monster Jam around the table. This made Aunt Emmy sad because she just loves you so much and she wanted all your attention for herself. You just kept looking right past her to see Cole. Don't worry though buddy, she still loves you. Just like everyone else that you meet, Emmy is so in love with you that she's ok with you not paying her any attention. Just like Mama, she just wants to see your smile and hear your giggle, even if it isn't intended for us.

You didn't nap again today very well. I'm not sure what is going on with that. I'm thinking today is because you woke up really late this morning. You slept in until 8:20 and then played in your crib until 9:20! An entire hour! Holy moly was that awesome for Mama. The only bad part about that was when I finally did go and get you, I realized very quickly that you had a major explosion. There was poop EVERYWHERE! Normally you hate to sit in poop, but apparently this morning it didn't bother you one bit. We had to take everything out of your crib and throw it in the washing machine, sheet, quilt, purple blankie, and stuffed animals. All your other toys had to be taken out and washed, too. G-R-O-S-S! Milk is doing some strange things to you, buddy! Hopefully it gets better soon!

I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

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