Friday, June 11, 2010

The weekend is here!

Dear Greyson,

It's Friday! Friday's are the best because it means we get 2 days together. Lots of Mama/Buddy/Dada time. Tonight we went over to Aunt Jenny and Uncle Greg's. We went over because Jenn and Greg got a new pool for KB and wanted us to come over. Of course we wanted to come over, you love swimming! Unfortunately, the water was too cold so you didn't want a lot to do with it. You and KB had fun playing outside though!

We went inside to eat after awhile and then you and KB ran around in your diapers together. You both kept raising a big green ball around. I kept throwing the ball and bouncing it off your your heads. You laughed every time I'd do it.

Dada picked you up from Cindy's today and brought you home. Dada got out the Blue's Clues microphone/radio and showed you how to talk into it. Dada would hold the microphone up to your mouth for you to talk and you'd put your mouth on it and kind of grunt an "oh." You talk non-stop all other times of the day, but into the microphone all you'd say is, "oh."

I love you buddy! Forever and longer!
Love, Mama

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