Thursday, June 24, 2010

You're so vain...

Dear Greyson,

You love to look at yourself in the mirror. You smack the mirror, laugh, and lots of times try and kiss your image. It's too funny! We were playing on the bed last night and you were in the silliest mood. You kept walking up to the mirror, well, bouncing is more like it, and screaming. I have to admit though, I can't really blame you for wanting to look at yourself. You are the cutest buddy and I cannot get enough of you!

When I got home from work tonight I once again got the amazing little smile that you give us. It makes my whole day! You walk right up to me with your arms raised up and I cannot resist. On the off chance that I don't pick you up, you plop your butt right down and start to cry. When you do that I can't help myself and I pick you up right away. Dada says I shouldn't do that because I'm creating a bad habit, but I think he's just as guilty as Mama.

We had BBQ ribs for dinner tonight. You probably ate more than Mama. As soon as I could put some on your plate you were grabbing it right up and shoveling it in. You were also slurping the BBQ sauce off of your hands. They were very yummy but your reaction was awesome. Gramma loved how much you enjoyed them and Papa laughed each time you'd slurp up your hands.

I love you buddy, forever and longer!

Love, Mama

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