Sunday, July 25, 2010

PSA: Swim Diapers

Dear Greyson,

Mama and Dada learned a valuable lesson this weekend about swim diapers. Never ever put a swim diaper on a baby that drinks like a fish until he is ready to get right into the pool. We went to Pam and Ed's on Friday night to go swimming and learned this lesson the hard way. For some reason, Mama and Dada thought it would be a good idea to get you ALL ready to go swimming before we left for Pam and Ed's. The thing is, swim diapers are not absorbent buddy, they are there strickly to catch the poo. You poor thing were soaked by the time we got to Pam and Ed's. Dada's shirt was soaked because he picked you up, your carseat was soaked, and your legs were soaked because it was literally dripping down your legs. I couldn't help but laugh!

On a side note, swimming was so much fun! You just love Pam and Ed! Dada took you into the pool and you showed off for Aunt Emmy. You splashed her, threw a ball at her, and showed her how you can blow bubbles. We took you down the slide, which you loved, and played with the balls. Ed took you out back, too and you had some boy bonding time. You loved that! Ed pushed you in the swing and took you around the backyard. We are so lucky to have such an awesome extended family!

On Saturday we went up to visit Gramma and Papa up at the campground. We got to celebrate Christmas in July and see Santa Claus! You gave him a high five but you were not happy when you sat on his lap. It was really hot that day, so we actually spent most of our time in the camper. You were so happy to see Gramma and Papa. You were showing off, jumping from Gramma to Papa and just loving all the attention they were giving you.

Sunday was a really fun day. We went to the zoo with Uncle Jason, Aunt Libby, Big B, and Grandpa. It was so fun to see you looking at the different animals. We let you run around in the aviary and you loved it. At one point you were chasing a bird who was walking around his cage. It was a fun and exhausting day! When we got home we ate dinner and played. You went from toy, to toy, to toy! We finally put batteries in the ball popper, which you thought was hysterical! You kept trying to catch the balls as they would pop out.
Something really fun that you just started was dancing. When you hear music, you get a huge smile on your face, bend your arms (like a chicken) and twist your hip. It cracks me up! Another huge deal, you have ANOTHER tooth coming in! Your left inscisor is coming in already and the right is bulging! You didn't start teething until so late, and now I feel like your poor little gums aren't getting a break. I also have to brag about you, because you started kissing! It's the absolute best. You did it before, but now you make a kissy noise, too!

On Wednesday we had your 12-month well check. You did awesome! You flirted with the doctor and only cried for a minute or two. We have to take you up to Toledo Hospital to get a PT evaluation, she doesn't feel like the PT we are getting at Wood County is enough anymore. That darn head tilt just won't go away! We were also told that we need to take you to an eye doctor as soon as possible to make sure your head tilt isn't because of vision problems. Lastly, the doctor also wants us to take you to an orthopedic surgeon to get evaluated. She isn't too concerned with it, but told us it's not a bad idea to go and get your hips, knees, legs and neck checked out. This is all because we brought up your bowed legs and head tilt! I'm so ready to be done with doctors, and I know you are, too! I can't complain though, I'd much rather deal with these types of medical issues than something else.

I love you buddy, forever and longer!

Love, Mama

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Birthday Party!

Dear Greyson,

We did it! Yesterday we had a very successful birthday party for you. Thank you so so so much Aunt Emily and Uncle Kevin for hosting the party at your house and thank you so so so much to everyone who helped pull the party off! Grandma and Papa brought all the corn, Uncle Dave and Andy helped set up and brought the incredible cake, Grandma and Gampa brought the small cake, ice cream, oreo dessert, and other misc things, Aunt Jenn and Uncle Greg brought two different salads, Great Grandma and Grandpa brought the chips, Aunt Dana brought her yummy potato salad, and Aunt Pam brought her yummy salsa.

You were in such a great mood all day and loved having lots of people around to smile at. I was so amazed at how many people came out to celebrate. I had so many people comment on how happy you are and what a sweet smile you have. You loved showing off to everyone. At one point you were in the living room surrounded by people and you were covering your mouth and doing your fake laugh. All to get a laugh out of the people around you.

We had baby pools and sprinklers up for kids to play in. You really enjoyed splashing in the water and playing with the splash balls. The smash cake was fun. At first you just kept sticking your fingers in the cake and eating it that way, Dada helped you a little bit and then Mama did, too.

It's still hard to believe that you are already one. I thought it would hit me at the party, but it didn't. One of these days it will...

I love you buddy, forever and longer.
Love, Mama

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday!

Dear Greyson,

Well, it happened. You turned one year old today. We had a busy morning of running around, but between that we had some time for fun. We went and got our hair cut today. You look like such a big boy with it cut! Mama looks different too, with a new short hair cut!

We went up to the campground to see Grandma and Papa and eat dinner. We picked up Cousin Sami on the way up because she just had to see you on your birthday! Grandma made yummy steaks for dinner. You couldn't eat it though because you are too little, so you had grilled chicken instead. You loved getting to run around outside. Sami picked out some new little trucks for you which you loved rolling around the ground. Between those, the ball, and rocks, you were in heaven! Grandma made you birthday cupcakes too. You really really enjoyed those. At first you would just stick your finger in the frosting, but by the end you picked up the entire cupcake to take bites out of it! Papa went and filled up a bucket with hot water to help clean you up. Once we were done he set it on the ground for you to play in. Boy did that make you happy!

Now, I figure I'd take a bit of time to describe just how I'm feeling today. I've been thinking a lot about what I want to write to you today on your first birthday. And now that it's here I am at a complete loss. You, little boy, make me so unbelievably happy. A year ago today, my life completely changed. When I first laid eyes on you, I looked and thought, "hello there little stranger." I loved you then when I first met you, but little did I know that that would be a love that would grow and grow and grow. I had no idea just how much more I would love you the more I got to know you.

Here are some things that I miss about you when you were itty bitty:

1. You would smile in your sleep. It was the cutest thing ever!
2. While sleeping, you used to make a little humming noise. (You used to sleep a lot, so a lot of my memories are of you sleeping).
3. Before you learned how to giggle/laugh, the noise you made when you were happy/excited was hysterical. I have no idea how to describe it, but I loved it and miss it.
4. You used to fit in my arms. I could lay you down across me and you'd fit. Now you hang all the way across me!
5. The swaddle. That thing was a miracle worker.
6. The playmat. You could lay under that thing for what seemed like forever. You could stare at those toys hanging from above for so long, and your favorite was the toucan.
7. Non-mobile. I used to be able to set you in one spot, walk out of the room, and when I came back you'd still be in the same spot. Now when I leave a room, chances are it's because I'm coming to find you!

It's amazing how fast a year goes by. At the time it didn't seem like it was going by all that fast. Mama and Dada made some big changes is our lives after you were born, changes that were for the best for our family. Looking back, it seems like such a long time ago, but in regards to you, it seems like just yesterday. I remember bringing you home and the first night we were alone with you, Dada and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders and said, "now what?" I remember calling both your Grandma's on the phone crying so many times because I had no idea what you needed. I remember the first bath we gave you, and I was too scared to do it so I just took pictures. I remember the long nights of getting up with you. I remember being so scared and excited when you started crawling. Then walking...and now here we are. One year old. If this past year went by this fast, I don't even want to think about how fast this next year will seem.

I love you buddy, forever and longer.
Love, Mama

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Last Day as a Baby

Dear Greyson,

This is is, your last day as a baby. Tomorrow you enter toddler-hood. Wow. While I watched you play today all I could think about was just how big you looked. You were in an outfit you've worn many many times, playing with toys/balls that you've played with many many times, but something was different about you. I honestly have no idea what was different, but I have a feeling it was you preparing me for all the emotions I am going to be feeling tomorrow.

We bought a bubble machine for your birthday party and decided to get it out and make sure it worked for Saturday. While Dada worked on the bubble machine, I took the bubble wand out and blew bubbles for you. Holy moly did it make a lot of bubbles. You thought it was pretty neat and had a huge smile on your face while popping bubbles. I got pretty excited to get the bubble machine up and working, thinking you would be so into it. We turned it on and quickly realized we needed to get it outside because it was producing mass amounts of bubbles. We grabbed you and the bubble machine and ran outside all excited. I set you down in the grass, Dada turned on the machine and you...took off for the basket of balls. You lost all interest in the bubbles when we got out there and you remember there was a basket of balls under the gazebo. We could not get you interested in the bubbles again after that.

Your fourth tooth (the right top tooth) broke through today. No more 3-tooth grin. I loved your silly 3-tooth grin. It was so cute! Once the fourth tooth is all the way in you are definitely going to look like such a big boy! I can barely remember you without any teeth!

I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

Monday, July 12, 2010

One year ago today...

Dear Greyson,

A year ago today was my due date. Today could have easily been your birthday. At the time, I was ready for today to have been your birthday, but right now I am so glad it isn't. I have so many things running through my mind right now regarding the next few days. A year ago tomorrow I spent the entire day having mild contractions. I didn't know they were contractions at the time, but now I do. Buddy, I honestly do not know how in the world the time went by so fast.

We had a super busy weekend, this past weekend. I didn't get to see you very much because I was in my good friends wedding, but you got to spend a lot of time with people that love you very much! On Friday you spent the evening with my best friend Jess and Anthony, Brady, and your future wife Emma. You don't know it yet, but you like older girls and lucky for you, Emma is older! Jess told me that she kept baby-ing you and tickling you.

On Saturday you spent the morning with Dada and then the afternoon/night with Grandma Med and Ken. She loves you so much! You are so lucky to have such a big extended family with extra aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents! They might not be related by marriage or blood, but we are related in our hearts. You got to try some of Grandma Med's famous cookies. They are absolutely amazing and I'm sure you loved them! It took you a bit to warm up to all the puppies, but Grandma Med told us that after awhile you were hugging them and throwing toys at them! Mama missed you big time all day Saturday. Lucky for Mama, Grandma Med was so thoughtful to send pictures of you throughout the night and text messages to let us know how you were doing.

Sunday we got up early to go home. We dropped you off at Maumee Bay with Aunt Emmy and Uncle Kevin and your cousins Sami and Cole. You got to have a sleepover party with them! Aunt Emmy put up Cole and Sami's tents in the living room and you loved playing in them! You were in and out and in and out! She felt bad bc you were stuck in the car so much so they stopped at McDonalds and you got to have chicken nuggets and french fries! You love chicken nuggets you lucky boy! Aunt Emmy could not stop gushing over how good you were for her! This doesn't surprise me because you are the best baby ever! I called quite a few times to check on you, even though I knew you were perfectly fine. You love Emmy, Kevin, Sami and Cole. I just like to hear what you are doing!

Even though Mama missed you like crazy, it was nice to get to spend the day with Uncle Dave and Andy. We miss them a lot and I know you do, too! We went to Cedar Point and rode a bunch of roller coasters. Throughout the day Dada and I would make comments about you, like how excited we were to take you to Cedar Point one day. It'll be awhile though, because you have to be a really big boy to ride the rides. There are some fun rides for little kids, but you have wait until you are at least 3, maybe 4. We'd often see a little boy or girl and think of you. One little girl was sitting in her stroller, holding onto the stroller tray and yelling while shaking the tray. It was something that I could totally picture you doing! When I pointed it out to Dada he laughed and thought the same thing!

Two more days buddy, and you will no longer be a baby! I cannot believe it.
I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mr. Personality

Dear Greyson,

Anyone that meets you would have to agree; you are not lacking in personality. You have always been so animated and expessive, and as you get bigger, even more so!

You find yourself so funny and you do anything you can to make us laugh. For instance, last night in the bathtub. We have a big cup that we use to get your hair wet/wash you off etc. We fill up the cup and dump it on you. You don't mind us dumping it on your head, thank goodness! Well last night I was doing just that, but when dumping the water on your head to get your hair wet, you kept looking up into the cup/water. You'd sputter water out, look at me and grin and wait for me to do it again. After I was done I handed you the cup so you could play with it because you love doing that! Well last night after I handed you the cup you filled it up, stood up and tried to dump it on your own head! I laughed so hard, which of course you noticed so you would try and do it again but this time with a grin on your face!

I love you buddy, forever and longer!

Love, Mama

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Temper temper temper

Dear Greyson,

Holy temper tantrums! We have seen glimpses of your temper tantrums before and I have always thought they were really funny, but today you let loose! You crawled on top of the fireplace, which you aren't allowed to do because it's not safe, and you let us know that you did not like us saying no. You screamed, cried, plopped your butt down and then would roll over onto your back. Dada would use that opportunity to tickle you and make you giggle. Then you continually got mad at me bacause I was sitting on the floor blocking your way out of the family room. You were getting so frustrated with us and would slam your hand down on the little white table! I was shocked by you. I was honestly a little scared by you because you have always been so happy-go-lucky and now all of a sudden you are hitting, screaming, and throwing yourself down! Granted we could turn it around and make you smile and giggle pretty quickly, but still! How much longer will tickling you work? I had no idea what to even do with you. Is it possible to enter the terrible two's before you even turn one?

I remember something funny from this weekend that I didn't want to forget! Gampa, Dada, and Uncle Jason had you in the pool and were trying to get you to blow bubbles. You were watching them so intently! After a bit you stuck your face down low by the water and started sticking your tongue out over and over and over! It was so cute! I wish I had gotten a video of you doing it.

The picture is of you and Dada playing this evening. You were SUPER grumpy so Mama got you a snack, Mummums! Normally I only give you one at a time, but tonight I gave you both. You thought you were something else! In the picture you kept trying to share with Dada. You are so thoughtful buddy!

I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

Monday, July 5, 2010

Looooong Weekends!

Dear Greyson,

Long weekends are the best! We got to spend so much time together it was awesome! We went to visit Grandma and Gampa in Rockford. We left Friday after Mama got off work and didn't come home until Monday! You were such a good buddy the whole weekend!

The car ride there was interesting. You were driving Mama crazy with "uh-oh" over and over and over! Dada thought it was funny, but I think he thought it was funny because he was driving and wasn't having to turn around to pick up whatever you dropped. Previously, if you dropped something you'd say, 'uh-oh' and that would be the end of it. Not anymore! You would 'drop' (and I use the term loosely because you'd actually throw it or drop it intentionally)and then say uh-oh over and over and over and over. After a bit, if we tried to ignore you, you'd scream. Yes, buddy, scream. It was not fun. Mama started getting car sick after awhile because she'd have to keep turning around. Eventually Mama crawled into the back because you wanted some company. We ate snacks, drank water, looked at books and played with your toys. When we finally made it to Grandma and Gampa's, we had to sneak in because Grandma didn't know we were coming! We LOVE to play this trick on her! We set you down in the kitchen and you walked right up to Grandma with your little arms raised up high wanting to be picked up. She got a big smile on her face because of that! You stayed up late because you had lots of energy from being in the car so long. Grandma and Gampa loved that! They think you are so funny.

Saturday we slept in really late! It was great! Grandma and Gampa had friends coming over so we just relaxed and caught up with each other. Mama and Dada had to run to the store to get some milk for you and a few other snacks. Then, Uncle Jason, Aunt Libby, Baby B, Mama, Dada and you ran a few other errands before people came over. We ate a late lunch and then you took another nap. After you woke up Dada and Gampa took you into the pool! You loved it! You and Gampa are good buddys. Mama even started to get jealous because you would sit with Gampa and play for a long time. You never do that with Mama! But that's ok, buddy! I love them too!
Sunday was the 4th of July! Happy Independence Day! Mama, Grandma and Aunt Libby went shopping Sunday morning to check out some sales! Boy did you make out! One of the things Mama got you was a hat for in the pool. Dada thought you'd never keep it on, and I almost thought so too, but you surprised us and did! We swam in the afternoon and Mama even got in the water! You didn't really want a lot to do with Mama and Dada though until it was time to get out. You were too busy playing with Grandma and Gampa. We skipped the fireworks, too difficult with two babies. Hopefully next year we'll get to go!
Monday came waaaaaay too fast for all of us. We played all morning and packed up and left after lunch time. You were AWESOME on the ride home! You ate lots of goldfish crackers (a new favorite that Gramma Bruns discovered) and Cheerios, Mummums, drank ice water and watered down crystal light (thanks Grandma Williams!). You laughed your silly fake laugh, said uh-oh over and over, and blew us kisses. You slept for about an hour after we got out and stretched our legs 2 1/2 hours into our drive and shared Mama and Dada's ice cream.
Gramma and Papa were so happy to have you home! They missed you bunches. You ran right up to Papa, who was outside and Gramma once we got inside. You ran up to your toy boxes and pulled stuff out, crawled into Milo's cage, tried to empty the recycle bin, and showed Gramma your new trick, screaming. We all thought you were noisy before, well you have topped it off with discovering your screaming voice. Awesome!
You make me laugh buddy!
I love you, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Dear Greyson,

It's happening. July is here and that means you will be turning one in 13 days. I cannot believe it. How in the world did that happen? In 13 short days you will not be a baby anymore, you will be a toddler. I'm so not ready for this. I love your personality and watching the little person you are becoming, but I cannot help but also think back on the days where you would just lay there and look at us. You were such a good baby, just content to lay around and stare. You hated tummy time and you did not like being held too much. You would lay under your play gym, listening to the music and talking to the toucan. Now, you are not content to sit anywhere! Well, I shouldn't say anywhere. You are usually quite happy when you are in your highchair and there is food involved! :)

Speaking of food, you have a new favorite food. Blueberries! You would probably eat an entire pint of blueberries if I let you! As soon as you see them you get all excited and can't eat them fast enough!
We went to Perrysburg this evening to the Farmer's Market. That was pretty boring but on the way there you were sooo funny! You were being silly in the car. Everything little noise Mama or Dada made you would laugh, but it wasn't your normal laugh. You had this goofy fake laugh, which made Mama and Dada laugh, which made you do it more. You are such a ham! Hopefully next time you do that Mama can get a video of it.
I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama