Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mr. Personality

Dear Greyson,

Anyone that meets you would have to agree; you are not lacking in personality. You have always been so animated and expessive, and as you get bigger, even more so!

You find yourself so funny and you do anything you can to make us laugh. For instance, last night in the bathtub. We have a big cup that we use to get your hair wet/wash you off etc. We fill up the cup and dump it on you. You don't mind us dumping it on your head, thank goodness! Well last night I was doing just that, but when dumping the water on your head to get your hair wet, you kept looking up into the cup/water. You'd sputter water out, look at me and grin and wait for me to do it again. After I was done I handed you the cup so you could play with it because you love doing that! Well last night after I handed you the cup you filled it up, stood up and tried to dump it on your own head! I laughed so hard, which of course you noticed so you would try and do it again but this time with a grin on your face!

I love you buddy, forever and longer!

Love, Mama

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