Sunday, July 25, 2010

PSA: Swim Diapers

Dear Greyson,

Mama and Dada learned a valuable lesson this weekend about swim diapers. Never ever put a swim diaper on a baby that drinks like a fish until he is ready to get right into the pool. We went to Pam and Ed's on Friday night to go swimming and learned this lesson the hard way. For some reason, Mama and Dada thought it would be a good idea to get you ALL ready to go swimming before we left for Pam and Ed's. The thing is, swim diapers are not absorbent buddy, they are there strickly to catch the poo. You poor thing were soaked by the time we got to Pam and Ed's. Dada's shirt was soaked because he picked you up, your carseat was soaked, and your legs were soaked because it was literally dripping down your legs. I couldn't help but laugh!

On a side note, swimming was so much fun! You just love Pam and Ed! Dada took you into the pool and you showed off for Aunt Emmy. You splashed her, threw a ball at her, and showed her how you can blow bubbles. We took you down the slide, which you loved, and played with the balls. Ed took you out back, too and you had some boy bonding time. You loved that! Ed pushed you in the swing and took you around the backyard. We are so lucky to have such an awesome extended family!

On Saturday we went up to visit Gramma and Papa up at the campground. We got to celebrate Christmas in July and see Santa Claus! You gave him a high five but you were not happy when you sat on his lap. It was really hot that day, so we actually spent most of our time in the camper. You were so happy to see Gramma and Papa. You were showing off, jumping from Gramma to Papa and just loving all the attention they were giving you.

Sunday was a really fun day. We went to the zoo with Uncle Jason, Aunt Libby, Big B, and Grandpa. It was so fun to see you looking at the different animals. We let you run around in the aviary and you loved it. At one point you were chasing a bird who was walking around his cage. It was a fun and exhausting day! When we got home we ate dinner and played. You went from toy, to toy, to toy! We finally put batteries in the ball popper, which you thought was hysterical! You kept trying to catch the balls as they would pop out.
Something really fun that you just started was dancing. When you hear music, you get a huge smile on your face, bend your arms (like a chicken) and twist your hip. It cracks me up! Another huge deal, you have ANOTHER tooth coming in! Your left inscisor is coming in already and the right is bulging! You didn't start teething until so late, and now I feel like your poor little gums aren't getting a break. I also have to brag about you, because you started kissing! It's the absolute best. You did it before, but now you make a kissy noise, too!

On Wednesday we had your 12-month well check. You did awesome! You flirted with the doctor and only cried for a minute or two. We have to take you up to Toledo Hospital to get a PT evaluation, she doesn't feel like the PT we are getting at Wood County is enough anymore. That darn head tilt just won't go away! We were also told that we need to take you to an eye doctor as soon as possible to make sure your head tilt isn't because of vision problems. Lastly, the doctor also wants us to take you to an orthopedic surgeon to get evaluated. She isn't too concerned with it, but told us it's not a bad idea to go and get your hips, knees, legs and neck checked out. This is all because we brought up your bowed legs and head tilt! I'm so ready to be done with doctors, and I know you are, too! I can't complain though, I'd much rather deal with these types of medical issues than something else.

I love you buddy, forever and longer!

Love, Mama

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