Thursday, July 1, 2010


Dear Greyson,

It's happening. July is here and that means you will be turning one in 13 days. I cannot believe it. How in the world did that happen? In 13 short days you will not be a baby anymore, you will be a toddler. I'm so not ready for this. I love your personality and watching the little person you are becoming, but I cannot help but also think back on the days where you would just lay there and look at us. You were such a good baby, just content to lay around and stare. You hated tummy time and you did not like being held too much. You would lay under your play gym, listening to the music and talking to the toucan. Now, you are not content to sit anywhere! Well, I shouldn't say anywhere. You are usually quite happy when you are in your highchair and there is food involved! :)

Speaking of food, you have a new favorite food. Blueberries! You would probably eat an entire pint of blueberries if I let you! As soon as you see them you get all excited and can't eat them fast enough!
We went to Perrysburg this evening to the Farmer's Market. That was pretty boring but on the way there you were sooo funny! You were being silly in the car. Everything little noise Mama or Dada made you would laugh, but it wasn't your normal laugh. You had this goofy fake laugh, which made Mama and Dada laugh, which made you do it more. You are such a ham! Hopefully next time you do that Mama can get a video of it.
I love you buddy, forever and longer!
Love, Mama

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